William Bell of PhoenixNap Shares How Intel Has Partnered with PhoenixNap to Co-Innovate Cloud Services for Their Organization
Enterprise IT teams are seeking out next generation managed cloud service providers that are able to keep pace with a rapidly growing cloud ecosystem and their ever evolving needs. Cloud Service Providers like PhoenixNap, accelerated by IntelĀ®, go beyond offering traditional managed services like day to day support and instead offer expert cloud guidance as well as a portfolio of customizable services and multi-cloud technologies.
You can visit the Intel website at https://intel.ly/3MDMXRl
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You can visit the PhoenixNap website at https://phoenixnap.com/
Social links for your hosts and the guest(s)
You can follow William Bell on LinkedIN at https://www.linkedin.com/in/williamb/
Jo Peterson on Twitter at @digitalcloudgal and LinkedIN at https://www.linkedin.com/in/jopeterson1/
Maribel Lopez on Twitter at @MaribelLopez and LinkedIN at https://www.linkedin.com/in/maribellopez/